Increase margins and grow revenue with the

Cyberint MSSP Program

Offer your customers industry-leading cyber threat intelligence, digital risk protection capabilities, external attack surface management, and digital supply chain intelligence—all with a single, easy-to-use platform. 

Cyberint’s IMPACT Partner Program at a Glance


Grow Your Business With Cyberint

Fast & Easy Deployment & Onboarding

Cyberint is a SaaS solution that does not require any agents or new infrastructure. It’s easy to use and requires minimal training to get onboarded.

One Platform For Many Use Cases

The Cyberint platform provides coverage for many use cases, enabling you to consolidate vendors and tools without sacrificing security.

Offer A New Set Of Security Services

With the Cyberint platform in your portfolio, you can begin offering a wider range of security services to drive revenue growth.

Comprehensive Cyber Risk Mitigation

Safeguard your customers against external cyber threats. Grow your business by providing best-in-class cyber security services with Cyberint.

Why MSSPs Choose Cyberint

A Consolidated Security Platform

Impactful threat intelligence insights, attack surface monitoring, digital risk protection and supply chain intelligence – all in one platform. Protect your accounts from an array of external risks with a single powerful solution.


Improve visibility on your clients’ digital assets with continuous external attack surface discovery. Leverage deep and dark monitoring to gain visibility on relevant threats, such as phishing attacks, leaked credentials, malware infections, data leaks, and much more.

Improve Efficiency

Save time with a platform that provides extremely targeted intelligence with few false positives. Reduced training hours and the time spent managing vendors with a single platform that protects against many external cyber risks. Win new accounts and boost revenue with a cost-effective solution that can be used under various service offers.

Business Growth

Leverage the power and insights of Cyberint’s impactful intelligence to increase your services offering, differentiate your business, protect your clients, and drive revenue growth.

Resell Specialized Services

Cyberint teams can support your need to provide managed takedowns, custom investigations, penetration testing, security reporting, and more. Resell Cyberint’s services while your team upskills and gains the ability to provide the service in-house.

A Consolidated Security Platform

Impactful threat intelligence insights, attack surface monitoring, digital risk protection and supply chain intelligence – all in one platform. Protect your accounts from an array of external risks with a single powerful solution.


Improve visibility on your clients’ digital assets with continuous external attack surface discovery. Leverage deep and dark monitoring to gain visibility on relevant threats, such as phishing attacks, leaked credentials, malware infections, data leaks, and much more.

Improve Efficiency

Save time with a platform that provides extremely targeted intelligence with few false positives. Reduced training hours and the time spent managing vendors with a single platform that protects against many external cyber risks. Win new accounts and boost revenue with a cost-effective solution that can be used under various service offers.

Business Growth

Leverage the power and insights of Cyberint’s impactful intelligence to increase your services offering, differentiate your business, protect your clients, and drive revenue growth.

Resell Specialized Services

Cyberint teams can support your need to provide managed takedowns, custom investigations, penetration testing, security reporting, and more. Resell Cyberint’s services while your team upskills and gains the ability to provide the service in-house.

Key Features

A Zero Deployment Solution

As a fully cloud-based SaaS solution, the Cyberint platform does not require any new agents or infrastructure.
Insights On Breaches & Attacks

Fast & Easy Onboarding

The Cyberint platform is a simple, user-friendly solution that your security analysts will master quickly.

Multi-Tenant Architecture

A multi-tenant architecture makes it easy to manage many different clients from a single instance.

Multi-Tenant Architecture

Cyberint has an in-house takedown team with a success rate of >95%

Out-of-the-Box Integrations

Integrate with your other tools, such as SIEM, XDR, and SOAR platforms, to ingest alerts and automate response.

Become a Cyberint Partner


Uncover your compromised credentials from the deep and dark web

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