Reclaim your cybersecurity focus

Technology is moving fast, but the world is moving faster – and that includes cybercrime. Cybersecurity teams all over the world are in a constant arms race to cover all bases. We got so distracted with the barrage of threat actors, ransomware attacks, CVEs, and scams – that we forgot we need focus.

Threat intelligence by itself is not enough, attack surface management on its own just won’t cut it. But the right combination can produce hyper relevance,  and hyper relevance is the stuff focus is made of.

That focus allows cybersecurity teams to cut through the noise, maximize performance, and deliver better protection against external threats.

Say hello to attack surface reconnaissance

Cyberint provides open, deep, and dark web intelligence tailored to your attack surface.
This means hyper-relevant intel that enables focus: working smarter, less noise – minimizing false-positives, eliminating alert-fatigue, and delivering better understanding and protection against your most relevant known and unknown risks.

2.5 Bn
IP addresses continuously scanned
41 M
New intelligence items/month
17 M
Fresh credentials harvested/month
150 K
New malware logs detected/month
Avg. Takedowns/month

Trusted by

Signa Sports United

Cover every use case with the ultimate external
risk visibility and mitigation platform

Digital Footprint
Map the attack surface and weaknesses
Exposed Web Interfaces | Hijackable Subdomains | Website Vulnerabilities | Exposed Cloud Storage | Exploitable Ports | Mail Servers in Blacklist | Server Connected to Botnet
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Identify & remediate phishing attempts before they impact
Phishing | Emails | Phishing Kits | Phishing Websites | Lookalike Domains | Phishing Target Lists
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Safeguard all facets of your online presence
Official Social Media Profile | Impersonation | Intellectual Property Infringement | Unauthorized Trading | Negative Sentiment | Fake Job Posting | Defacement
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Ensure ongoing and continuous visibility of threat actor tools
Malicious Files | Reconnaissance | Automated Attack Tools | Business Logic Bypass | Target Lists
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Mitigate fraud to ultimately reduce your fraud rate
Refund Fraud | Carding | Coupon Fraud | Money Laundering | Victim Reports | Malicious Insider | Extortion
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Data & Ransomware
Identify leaked data and ransomware risks
Ransomware | Compromised PII | Compromised Access Token | Internal Information Disclosure | Malicious Insider | Compromised Payment Cards | Compromised Credentials
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Integrate with your security stack

palo alto networks

Push TI and EASM to the max

With a power-combo of people, platform, and process.

Minimizing false-positives
Upon completion of each EASM autonomous discovery, the relevant threat intelligence – sourced from the open and deep and dark web – is mapped to your specific exposed assets. This results in hyper-relevance which eliminates alert fatigue, and keeps teams laser-focused on the right actions to minimize digital risk exposure.
Closing the loop from intel to action
From automatic detection to full takedown: The expertise of the Cyberint analyst and customer success teams, combined with the sheer amount of takedowns done so far, turns Cyberint into a source-of-truth for relevant vendors, making its takedown requests served faster.
Automation-first approach
Autonomous discovery is supplemented by human expertise everywhere needed – from contextualizing intel, all the way to taking actions such as takedowns and proactively interacting with threat actors under aliases/avatars.

See how Cyberint prevents Account Takeovers (ATOs)

Read a Use Case

Industry recognition

Gartner names Cyberint as a security vendor to provide both Digital Risk Protection Services (DRPS) & External Attack Surface Management (EASM).

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Argos Edge consistently receives great customer feedback, resulting in their willingness to recommend Cyberint online!

See what our customers are saying

Cyberint was named a winner of Most Innovative Threat Intelligence in the prestigious Global InfoSec Awards for 2022.

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global infosec awards winner


Gartner names Cyberint as a security vendor to provide both Digital Risk Protection Services (DRPS) & External Attack Surface Management (EASM).

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Peer insights

Argos Edge consistently receives great customer feedback, resulting in their willingness to recommend Cyberint online!

See what our customers are saying


Cyberint was named a winner of Most Innovative Threat Intelligence in the prestigious Global InfoSec Awards for 2022.

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global infosec awards winner

Ready to experience hyper-relevance?

See Argos Edge in action

Uncover your compromised credentials from the deep and dark web

Fill in your business email to start